You have to admit, puppies do get attention! In this case it’s more than an attention grabber. Chester, as we have named him, is our office mascot and companion. During the height of the COVID-19 “Safer at Home” lockdown, we required our employees to work from home. That left the office a bit too quiet. So when this adorable tri-color English Springer Spaniel appeared on the radar we thought the time was right for a little diversion.
A few days after his arrival to the office, 2D animator Claudio Iedwab sent an email looking for an assignment. For fun we decided to let Chester give our brand a spin.
As of this writing he is 5 months old, loves to sleep by our feet while we work, has learned to ring the bell when he needs out to visit a grassy patch and is a constant reminder to take periodic breaks from the computer and enjoy life.