“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood. A beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine?”
Mr. Rogers knew the importance of great neighbors way before his time. Launched in 2010, Nextdoor is a rapidly growing application that connects users directly to their neighbors. There are applications like Facebook, which are designed for friends and family, or LinkedIn for business relationships, but Nextdoor is the first private social platform that provides you and your neighbors with a trusted environment to ask questions, get to know one another, and share local advice and recommendations.
Some users may use the platform to ask for babysitter recommendations, post about a lost cat, find a new salon or to notify other neighbors of suspicious behavior. With the foundation of this application mostly being recommendations, it is crucial for small businesses to take advantage of all that this platform has to offer.
Here’s how:
Create a Business Page
This may be obvious, but the first step in taking advantage of Nextdoor is joining the business platform itself. Simply visit www.nextdoor.com/create-business and follow their step by step guide to complete your business profile. This step is where you will add your business address, logo, contact and general information.
Get Recommendations
Before any business is searchable on Nextdoor, they must receive at least one recommendation. The recommendation can come from an employee of the business, just so the business can become listed on the application, but you should always be advocating for recommendations from your customers. Positive reviews build trust in your brand, and compared to other review platforms like Yelp or Google, Nextdoor is able to capture reviews and recommendations directly from people within your community. This feature is also helpful for monitoring your reputation and addressing concerns that your customers are sharing.
Create Offers
Nextdoor Offers are special offers, discounts, and promotions local businesses can post that will only be seen by those using the app in your targeted neighborhood. Offers are customizable and will be shown in the Newsfeed as well as Business section of the platform for as long as you decide to run the offer. When posting an Offer, it is important to provide incentive, something that your community will benefit from. Remember, this isn’t about making a huge sale. Nextdoor is all about the neighbors and creating an offer that they would like and appreciate.
If you’re looking for a way to gain an edge over your competitors when it comes to building local awareness and trust in your company – Nextdoor has opened the doors. Let us help get you started, request a free quote today!